Scheduling Jesus: Spring Feast Season

Jun 06 2024

Did Jesus keep the Law of Moses? Answering yes means feast attendance in Jerusalem.

Jesus stated emphatically, Do not think that I come to put an end to the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abort them but to fulfill them (Mt 5:18).

He goes on to clarify that whoever dismisses even the least of the commands is held responsible, while the one who practices and teaches the commands will be identified prominently in God’s Kingdom (5:19).

In addition to Jesus’ own witness, references to the feasts in the Gospels of Luke and John point to attendance (Lk 2:41; Jn 5:1, 7:8-10).

The two spring feasts included Passover and Unleavened Bread after the barley harvest and the Feast of Weeks (or Pentecost) 50 days later after the wheat harvest.

The Law of Moses first mentions the feast attendance requirement in Exodus 23:14-17; 34:18, 22-23 and repeats the requirement in Leviticus 23 and in Deuteronomy 16.

The trip from Capernaum to Jerusalem was around 5 days, and the feasts generally lasted 8 days. (After digging into the Feast Weeks, however, I am not sure how long it lasted.) So the time investment was around 10 days of travel and around 8 days in the city.

Under normal circumstances, then, the feast attendance obligation per year required 54 days or almost two months.


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